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Showing posts from August, 2013


Rufusman needs your help spreading the word for his Kickstarter campaign! Here are some flier options for printing out and distributing at local stores, announcement boards, etc. An 8x11.5 standard format: An 8x14 (legal) format:

Our Booth at Comicon SLC 2013!

GOAL OF $500 REACHED! But wait, there's more...

Great news, everybody:  my Kickstarter project for  Cosmoknight issue#0  is officially funded!  Truly humbling and exciting for yours truly.  A huge THANK YOU to all my backers thus far, you made it happen! Now we've got some time before my deadline, Aug. 21, to raise additional funds for even more prints and promotional materials for SLC Comicon happening this September.  I have stretch goals outlined for when we reach $600, $700, $800, and $1000.  Simply put more money gets us more prints, t-shirts, posters, business cards, etc.  I'm striving to put my best foot forward at Comicon, I've now got the minimum I need for printing at least 200 comics, but since there's going to be around 35,000 people there over three days, I probably will need more.... For those of you who haven't checked out my Kickstarter video, here it is:  Check out my kickstarter page to join the cause! Also here's a flier you can copy & paste, print off, and pass on